The Gandys Dispatch
Published : Jan 27
Written By : claire charlton
Location :

The world can be a crazy place, but as soon as you step out from the hustle of city life suddenly, almost instantly, life becomes a whole lot simpler.
Roam Freely
There is no better cure for the burden of the daily grind than to roam freely in the open air and take the time to not only clear your mind but really appreciate the breath-taking views and curious experiences that we are often far too busy to take in, or sometimes even too busy to see altogether.A hike, a climb, an ice-cold plunge, a walk in the forest with your best friend (no matter how furry), whichever appeals to your own sense of adventure, take the time, or in most of our cases MAKE the time to embrace the outdoors, take in nature's beauty (we mean REALLY take it in not through your phone trying to take the best picture for Instagram) and add a sense of adventure to your everyday life.
We know from experience that during your most memorable (not always the more enjoyable) adventures you can end up returning somewhat dishevelled, or even arriving home with your Bali backpack encrusted in mud, but that feeling of finally reaching the finishing line, whether that be huddling in front of a roaring fire to gain back the feeling in your toes, or the victory pint of craft ale at the nearest pub, it cannot be beaten. Whoever heard a story of a great adventure from an explorer with a clean kit anyway?
The January freeze is yours to conquer. Use this as your sign to grab your Bali backpack, pack your kit, wrap up, and begin your first adventure of many for this year. We promise that you will come back fresher, sharper, brighter, and most importantly, more YOU. Remember, every adventure is worth taking and every element is there to embrace. See nature's beauty. Embrace the outdoors.
This is Kim’s Story - Exploring gives me freedom @rooandkimtoo
We met Kim during our summer ‘Don’t Just Exist’ Event at our Brighton hub. An avid explorer and Gandys supporter, we were keen to find out more about her own adventures and were blown away by her story, and the impact her best friend Roo and embracing the outdoors has had on her life.
Being outside to me means having the freedom to go where you want when you want. It gives me an escape from the craziness that often goes on in my own head and builds the confidence in myself that I can do anything I put my mind to.
I struggle with my mental health, and almost 2 years ago, I was hospitalised because I tried to take my own life. I had little to no self-worth and believed that I had no purpose in life. Then Rufus, my 2-year-old cocker spaniel entered my life and changed everything. If it weren’t for him, I would never push myself to try the things I have. We love nothing more than taking a road trip to some of the beautiful places that the UK has to offer. Scotland being one of my favourites. I call Scotland my happy place.
When I was at my lowest point, I decided to take my first solo trip to Scotland with Rufus. We drove through Glen Coe to the Hidden Valley and climbed our first mountain. There is something so peaceful and freeing about the mountains. When you are an over-thinker like I can be at times, sometimes you need the quiet to make you appreciate that no matter what crazy is going on in the world or in your mind, you can always ground yourself and find peace by being outside.
Being outside and getting out of my comfort zone has given me the confidence in myself to know that the dark times do pass, and I can get through anything. It has pushed me to encourage others to get outside, because no matter how bad things may seem in the moment, finding freedom and escaping to the outdoors really does put you in a positive state of mind. To me, it all starts with a feeling or a thought, and once I am out exploring, my thoughts become positive, and everything becomes a little bit clearer.
Are you ready to embrace the outdoors? We’ve rounded up our favourite outdoor adventures in the UK to inspire your winter roaming.
Roaming – Three Cliffs Bay -Swansea
Known as one of the most photographed spots in Wales, The Cliffs Bay is at the top of our list for outdoor adventures this spring. Holding not only panoramic views, but dramatic valley drops, intriguing rock pools and twelfth century ruins overlooking the stoney blue waters, this is an adventure that you do not want to miss. Make sure you look out for the viewpoint marked by a wooden shell to ensure that you do not miss a picture of their iconic three limestone cliffs!
Skiing – Aviemore - The Scottish Highlands
When the South of France is out of reach and the artificial slopes just aren’t enough, Aviemore is the answer to satisfy your Ski cravings. Boasting the highest mountains in the UK, you could easily mistake this town in the snow-capped Cairngorms for the Arctic with these views. Perfect for skiing, sledding, snowboarding, or even discovering rare mountain species of animals, you would not regret making the trip for this winter experience. And the thing we love most about this destination? You can combine your thrill seeking with a cultural trip through the rest of Scottish Highlands.
Cold ice plunge – The Black Moss Pot – The Lake District
Shock the stress out of your body with a cold plunge in the turquoise natural pool of the Black Moss Pot. Well known as one of the most beautiful skinny-dipping spots in the UK, you can take in ALL of nature’s beauty . Surrounded by craggy and high jumping rocks, this beauty spot leads to an incredibly chilly waterfall for some unbelievably cold and stunning views. If you dare to bare, or keep covered to take on the icy water you’ll come out feeling invincible.
Coastal Walk - Blakeney to Wells-next-the-sea, Norfolk
With its secluded paths, quaint village, and the fierce winds of the Norfolk coast, Blakeney holds all the ingredients for perfect winter escapism. A haven for all kinds of rare birds and seals, find yourself roaming across the sand dunes to witness the incredible elevated views of the grey seal pup colony (it’s best to leave the dog at home for this adventure). Displaying the perfect picture of seasonal beauty, this is an idyllic escape for every explorer.
Woodland Adventures- Cardinham Woods, Cornwall
Boasting stunning viewpoints and secret glades, the Cardinham Woods is the perfect place to forget your everyday troubles and recharge back to the best (carefree) version of YOU. Test your endurance by climbing steep valleys to or take a less challenging route and lose yourself wandering surrounded by the tranquil woodland scenery.
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